This year’s calendar campaign “Wildlife of Kenya 2021” has finished. A plus of 1.129,84 Euro is the result – the profit was already wired to Rettet den Drill and the Recticulated Giraffe Project in Kenya’s Samburu national park.
The highest cost factor of the calendar project naturally is the production of the calendars itself. By far the second highest aspect is the shipping – calendars have an uncommon format for shipping companies, which is why 4,90 Euro apply for national deliveries. In a lesser extent the cardboard packaging – a special calendar format is used here – is the next bigger factor. Next aspect are the side costs of the money transfers, which is nothing but the fees PayPal takes for their services. Of course also the state wants his taxes, while this year a little bonus was the VAT reduction from 19 to 16% due to the covid crisis. Under the bottom line this results in the final amount of 1.129,84 Euro profit from income of 1.955 Euro prior taxation. No money is kept for administration or own profit! Thanks a lot to all purchasers and supporters of Charity Kalender!